Fire Door Inspections
Let us help you meet your Fire Door Inspection obligations – we have three options depending upon your premises and requirements. Please call or email to discuss your requirements. In order to quote we will need to understand the type and location of your premises and the number of doors to be inspected along with the level of inspection required.
Fire Door Inspections
Following the Grenfell tragedy, the importance of fire doors in preventing or slowing the spread of fire has become even more apparent. Consequently, the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, which includes provisions designed to strengthen the obligations on Responsible Persons in relation to the checking and maintaining of fire doors, came into force in January 2023. The fire door inspection requirements in these regulations specifically rate to buildings over 11m in multiple occupation e.g. typically blocks of flats
Different rules apply to other types of buildings – depending upon the likely level of risk, so the scope of a fire door inspection varies from a legal perspective depending upon the type of premises and accordingly the applicable legislation. Accordingly, we offer three options when it comes to conducting fire door inspections as follows:
Tier One Inspection (The Gold Standard!)
Our 38 point check is designed to pragmatically address the standards required by the Fire Door Inspection Scheme. The Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS) was launched as a joint venture by the British Woodworking Federation (BWF) and the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI) in 2012 and is a comprehensive survey that should meet all regulatory non-intrusive inspection requirements no matter whether the premises are residential or commercial. It covers all key physical aspects of the fire door and its operation. Each door is thoroughly checked and an individual report generated showing any defects that require remediation which can be passed to your maintenance team or contractor to help enable any required work to be priced and undertaken.
Tier Two Inspection (Typically Residential Flats)
This inspection is designed to meet the requirements of Regulation 10 of the Fire safety (England) Regulations 2022 which require the Responsible Person to use best endeavours to ensure that all individual flat entrance doors (in multi-occupancy properties with cmmon parts) are checked at least once every 12 months if the building is over 11 meters tall or in the case of buildings below 11 metres in height, that the duty to ensure that flat entrance doors are capable of providing adequate protection is complied with. Like with our Tier One Inspection, each door is thoroughly checked and an individual report generated showing any defects that require remediation which can be passed to your maintenance team or contractor to help enable any required work to be priced and undertaken.
Tier Three Inspection
This inspection level covers 10 key points and will typically be used where a fire risk assessment is being undertaken and the assessor makes a judgement call on the adequacy of the doors in the context of an overall life safety assessment. It will typically meet the obligations set out in the Home Office publication – “A Guide to Making your Non-Domestic Premises Safe from Fire” – which advises that fire doors should be checked every six months to make sure that they remain in good condition, are not damaged and remain a good fit in their frames.