Office Safety

There is a great deal of health and safety legislation in the U.K and much of it is not relevant to the typical office based business.

However, it is often hard for the employer to decide what does apply to their business. You are likely to be a low risk environment but you still want your employees to be safe.

If the worst happens and there is an accident resulting in injury (or even death) to any of your staff or visitors, you want to be able to show that you have complied with your legal responsibilities but you don’t want to spend money on unnecessary documentation and solutions that aren’t relevant to you.

However, don’t forget, even in small office you need to be aware of the risks and possible employee claims, from such things as display screens (VDU’s), poor seating, Repetitive Strain Injury, cables, hazardous (although common place) materials etc.

We have a cost effective solution for you that means your premises will be audited by our health and safety team and you will be given pertinent and relevant information. This is not a one size fits all solution, but ensures that the guidance you are given relates to your business premises and is what you need to know.

We produce a health and office safety policy and provide guidance on any necessary risk assessments and safe systems of work. We also ensure that you have an employee induction program that gives, and records that, your employees have all the information they need to be safe in your company.

If you want to make sure you have in place an effective Health and Office Safety solution that meets your statutory obligations, please give us a call.